Computer aided FM
Over the last two years, we have been migrating our established management processes to a Computer Aided FM (CAFM) system which allows us to manage our activities through an industry-leading, web-based MSQL database connecting clients, mobile engineers and office-based teams, in real time.
Our project management software (Tabs FM) has powerful data import facilities and we can retrieve contract specific procedures, identified at the start of each contract quickly and efficiently.
All activities and outcomes can be viewed in real time by the client team.
Specific features include:
- clients can place a reactive maintenance request via their own secure portal or help desk;
- clients can view progress on reactive calls; clients can view completed work sheets history (live);
- clients can track additional work requirements (live).
Through constant monitoring in this way on our contracts, we have successfully controlled water hygiene, monitored use of utilities, identifying potential savings (such as the use of waterless urinals), identified leaks and inefficiencies (specifying a new BMS programme, resulted in a 50% reduction in energy use).