To submit your CV please use the following details:
Argent FM Limited
55 Greenwich High Road
SE10 8JL
Tel: 020 7403 1204
Fax: 020 7378 003
Argent are always looking for talented and committed engineers and site managers to support our business. We will invest in the right people and expect you to invest in us.
If you are are interested in a career with Argent please contact us and if we are recruiting we will consider your application. Otherwise we keep all appropriately qualified applicants on file and will contact you when a vacancy exists.
Argent FM Limited
55 Greenwich High Road
SE10 8JL
Tel: 020 7403 1204
Fax: 020 7378 003
Argent FM employees all live in the South East and are representative of the communities in which we work. We support the creation, regeneration and development of the communities in which we work by:
Argent believes that we have a responsibility to care for and protect the environment in which we operate. We are committed to improving environmental performance across all our business activities and encourage our business partners and members of the wider community to join us in this effort.
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System | ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System
ISO 45001:2018 Occupational health and safety management systems